Get Help

Fauquier FISH is committed to helping our neighbors in need. We know that asking for help can sometimes be difficult to do. We try to make the process as easy and as confidential as possible. If you or someone you care about are in need of food assistance, please contact us or visit us during the pantry hours listed.

Food Pantry Hours of Operation

Tuesday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Saturday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

The Fauquier FISH Food Pantry will be closed in observance of the following national holidays

Thanksgiving Week November 24, 2024 November 30, 2024
Christmas/New Years December 21, 2024 January 9, 2025

Weekend Power Pack

The Weekend Power Pack (WPP) program is designed to help supplement a child’s basic need for food when they are not in school. The program provides nutrition support to  Fauquier County Public School, VPI, and Headstart students on weekends, school holidays, and snow days. Weekly ‘power packs’ include non-perishable, healthy, and nutritious food items.

Summer Food Assistance

WPP provides summer ‘power packs’ to students attending Fauquier Community Child Care (FCCC) and Boys and Girls Club (BGC) summer camps, students enrolled in FCPS summer school, and at all Fauquier Reaches for Excellence in School Health (FRESH) summer events. Date, time, and location of FRESH events can be viewed here.  Just ask for a Weekend Power Pack at the registration table.

School Year Food Assistance

Families interested in receiving Weekend Power Pack assistance should contact your child’s guidance counselor for enrollment information. You may also contact and we can send you the contact information. There are no qualifications for participation. Once enrolled in the program, your child will be given a grocery bag of breakfast, meals, and snacks to take home each week. Bags will be distributed discretely, at the end of the school day.  Your child  will also receive food during school holidays, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring break, and all 3-day weekends.